Church of Fools

Ahem...well coming from the satirical folks at "Ship of Fools" I would have thought that the Church of Fools was a joke - and perhaps it is, but it claims to be sponsored by the Methodist Church and seems to have a real live Methodist bishop who heads up the services and delivers real sermons at specified times - LIVE!

I guess it is an attempt to model that sort of "Sims" based online games/communities or something, but despite my misgivings it was kinda fun to play with. I could only get in as anonymous, but none-the-less was able to cross myself (THE WRONG WAY! hehehe), give a pentecostal shout n' wiggle, and take a look at the most untraditional "icons."

I suppose that during the service you could - upon the prompting of the bishop - run to the kitchen and get a slice of wonder bread and juice to be consecrated for communion.

Is anyone really taking this seriously?


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