Rejection, Failure, and death...the cross

Christianity should have died that day...a failed religion...a failed leader. Rejected by even His closest friends and by "His people" - a man cursed...hated...despised...laughed at (I often wonder if it was a sort of nervous laughter for some)...spat upon...beaten.

It's not hard to see why. We HATE holiness. We despise it with a vicious vehemence that is nearly indescribable and even more difficult to admit to. In the presence of Holiness we are undone, even if we rebel and refuse to see it - we FEEL it. And we hates it, we hates it!

How could we not kill God? For we could not...would not suffer Him any longer.

And yet our hatred would be the avenue to give us back our life. What a paradox! Yes, for us to see those slabs of wood as being "precious" and "life-giving", well we must simply be crazy. But, it is a crazy world isn't it?

Rejection, Failure, and death...the cross: a weapon of peace.

As You were voluntarily raised upon the cross for our sake,
Grant mercy to those who are called by Your Name, O Christ God;
Make all Orthodox Christians glad by Your power,
Granting them victories over their adversaries,
By bestowing on them the Invincible trophy, Your weapon of Peace.


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