Not sure how long this will last

Not sure how long this will last

Perusing through the FREE section of Craigslist, you'll never know what you'll find.


fdj said…
Oh well, it didn't last. It was a "Free Dead Moose." A guy claimed a moose had up and died on his land and he wanted someone to come get it.
Liz in Seattle said…
In the Anchorage area, if you're under a certain income level, you can register to get road-kill moose. You're in charge of taking it away immediately when your name comes up. Then you butcher it out and enjoy moose meat for the next year.
Anonymous said…
A friend of mine used to be a part of those registered road-kill clean up crews; the other part of the job was that you had to clean up the road-kill even if the meat was not useful.

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