You become and do what you believe
You become and do what you believe
Astonishingly enough, it's true that ideas have consequences. World views have HUGE ones. Interesting article on The Dehumanizing Impact of Modern Thought: Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche, and Their Followers The Expelled film got a great deal of flack for associating Darwinism with the Nazis, but I'm not sure anyone stopped to think what changing world views were evolving at that time that might have inspired ideas of a master race? Not to mention a certain little dash of humanism that was also not lacking - as I am learning - in Soviet communism.
Yes, friends, when secularists like to bring up issues such as crusades, inquisitions, and witch may wish to remind them that people living in glass houses ought not to start throwing stones. Alas, nothing in humanism, darwinism, or atheism has anything to say that would dissuade one necessarily from any particular Hitler-esque final solution. Amidst such parties anyway, Hitchens is right: Religion poisons everything.
Well, most religions.
I realize that this can sound kind of generic, but when you listen to people for 12 hours a week or so who have been raised from the dead (almost literally), it begins to sink in, even into a Celtic blockhead like me.
Gary Patrick