He hates the stars! Stay away from the stars!
He hates the stars! Stay away from the stars!
The ever-occurring, seemingly increasing Atheist wants to sterilize all public evidence of Christmas story. Not content to let our broader culture and society make a mockery of the season through less overt secularization and commercialization, this guy (as do many more) would have us whitewash all public places of all religious notions...including, it would seem "stars." I wonder what legislation this man would like to see introduced to blot out the nighttime skies which it would seem have [carl sagan]BILLIONS AND BILLIONS[/carl sagan] of religious references. (Psalm 19:1) This really is almost laughable, were it not so sad.
The irony in all this is that while Atheists fight to whitewash our public places of all religious signs, we are not left with a neutral-to-religion environment, but rather we are left solely with a place demonstrating overt signs of the religion of atheism! The more and more we make religion devoid in our public life, the happier atheists become...in no small way we are not fulfilling the establishment clause, in fact we are establishing a state religion of secularism.
I've no solutions or suggestions to offer...it's just sad that we have reached this point. Thankfully Mr. Sutley cannot blot out the skies.
And I love the portion of the story where the county caves and has all religious symbols removed (HOW ON EARTH DID THEY DECIDE WHAT WAS A RELIGIOUS SYMBOL AND WHAT WASN'T??? I'd be half tempted to go through and bitch about candy canes being a religious symbol!) "so that we can celebrate the season yet not appear to endorse Christian or other religious doctrines."
What, pray tell then, are we celebrating?!??! Let's stop pretending...sometimes I seriously see a powerful advantage to celebrating Christmas on the old calendar.
Well I'm not going to dwell too much on this sad direction our culture is heading - I've a nasty head cold that has left me a tad curmudgeonly. I will instead consider this: a house along the road that I have traveled to the park and ride for the last three years has always had a large sign displayed during the Christmas/Advent season that read simply "Bah Humbug!" It always made me a little sad to see it. But, I noticed this year that the sign is gone and the home is thoroughly wrapped in bright lights. I never saw a "for rent/sale" sign, so I'm operating under the happy assumption that someone had a Scrooge-like experience and is now filled with the joy of the Nativity...and they've brilliantly displayed thousands of little stars...reminding me Mr. Sutley-grumpy-pants of the star of Bethlehem (10,000x)!