My New Gig

My New Gig

At the end of December last year, after nearly 15 years in the same laboratory, I accepted a position as Research Laboratory Supervisor (Stupivisor) with Dr. Michael Jensen at Seattle Children's Research Institute. It was a big step for me as it entails more responsibility and a much larger array of scientific methods with which I need to familiarize myself.

I'm now 3 months into the new job and I could not be more happy with my decision. There's a real urgency and mission to the work we are doing, which is known in the scientific field as "translational research." What this means is that we aren't doing science for the sake of science (broadening human knowledge), but rather our work has directly in our sights the goal of bringing to patients a viable therapy.

You can learn more about what we are doing HERE.

It's a blessing and an honor to be working at a place where success is largely defined not be received grants or published papers, but rather lives saved. Unfortunately grants and published papers are how we get there so that doesn't change...but they remain the means to an end and not the end.


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