

 There's always much to do about famous people converting. I'll admit, I had no idea who this young convert to Christianity was, but being a rather prominent atheist blogger, I suppose her conversion is indeed a big deal. You can read here final "atheist" blog post here. While she clearly has a more advanced background in philosophy than I do/did, her conversion was accomplished in a not a too terribly different way than did mine. She wrestled with her worldview as it warred against her perception of moral truths. But here's where she departs from my conversion. When pressed to try and explain the origin of her sense of morality she fumbled at length and then blurted out:  

“I don’t know. I’ve got nothing. I guess Morality just loves me or something.” And then she writes: I believed that the Moral Law wasn’t just a Platonic truth, abstract and distant. It turns out I actually believed it was some kind of Person, as well as Truth.

I would simply add to this beautiful statement that "Truth" is not separate from this "Person." Not at is not in addition to the Person, it IS the Person as surely as Moral Law is the Person. (As I reread, I think her statement could be taken in two different ways. I note now that she capitalized Truth and so perhaps she intended to communicate that she believed Truth was also a Person as opposed to Moral Law being a Person and truth.) It's a radical concept. I hope Leah finds what she is looking for in her Roman Catholicism, she may find that the theologically legal disposition of that faith doesn't fit nearly as well with the Personhood of Truth and Moral Law as does Orthodox theological thinking. But, no less do I rejoice for this conversion.


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