Free will?

Free will?

My question with regard to THIS: Were there to exist no free will, would we really be able to know it? Isn't the very act of wondering about it an indication that it exists?

My beloved atheist always makes the point that in his worldview he MUST believe in a sort of Darwinian determinism. For what are we but genes and experiences to which those genes ultimately engineer a programmed response? If we are more than meat, if there is a decision making processor that is not dependent on our genes, then where exactly can that be found and measured?

I agree with him. A materialist view of the universe necessary implies a sort of biological determinism for the human person animal.

Well, I for one am about to entertain my illusions of freewill and go do my job as opposed to my desire to sit here and surf the internet.


Anonymous said…
So did this mildly amusing shill for David Hume freely choose to write this, or is it just her genes materializing on the Web? Been there, done that, get over it, Western "philosophy."


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