Atheist Christmas

Atheist Christmas

Story HERE.

I'm not exactly buying the persecuted atheist bit. Yes, being an intolerant loudmouth ("she 'believes all that crap'") will buy you all manner of ostracization, simply saying: "I don't believe in God" is a whole other matter. My favorite line of personal intellectual betrayal is when self-professed atheists defend their use of a home "Christmas" tree:

"Sacred trees are an ancient custom. It's pretty, it smells nice and it's pagan."

LOL! Yes, as long as as it isn't "Christian" it's fine. The "tree god" is perfectly cool for us atheists, but not the God-Man Jesus. Please, people, you are making my hemorrhoids flare from laughing so hard.


Moo! said…
That's GREAT! I feel a podcast coming on... :)
J Powell said…
Jim Wright, a retired merchandiser, lives with his 92-year-old mother in St. Paul. [...]

"I told her if she wants lights on the side of the house that she needs to do it. She's long since given up on the tree."

It's very important to stand up for what you don't believe in. Say, if there is no God, then it seems rather indifferent whether you put up lights. You aren't going to offend any deity by doing so, that much seems clear. You aren't going to endanger anyone's salvation, rationality, or what have you by doing so. In the meantime, you might do something nice for a 92-year-old woman.
fdj said…
Let me know Moo! Would love to hear it.

J...well said. Indeed.

As a longtime recovery militant atheist, I recognize the TONE being expressed by many of these folks. They are as bad as they very WORSE fire and brimstone Bible thumpers.
Hilarius said…
I can't understand the logic of being a committed atheist, and yet arguing that trees are good because "[s]acred trees are an ancient custom" and "it's pagan"!?!

Perhaps aspiring archaeologist Val Woelfel of St. Paul needs to take some vocabulary lessons.

sacred |ˈsākrid|
connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration : sacred rites | the site at Eleusis is sacred to Demeter. See note at divine .
• religious rather than secular : sacred music.
• (of writing or text) embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion : a sacred Hindu text.
• regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual : an animal sacred to Mexican culture.
• sacrosanct : to a police officer nothing is sacred.

pagan |ˈpāgən|
a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.
• dated derogatory a non-Christian.
• an adherent of neopaganism.
of or relating to such people or beliefs : a pagan god.

But then, maybe as an archaeologist she is just respecting some ancient cultures over others.

Sheesh . . . whatever. I suppose we are all inconsistent in one way or another.

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