Celtic Christianity

It's pretty trendy nowadays to check out Celtic Christianity - I mean who doesn't think Celtic Crosses look really cool? Anyway, having been Anglican for sometime, I too, was quite fascinated by Celtic practices. It is amazing how Celtic Spirituality and theology meshes with the Eastern Fathers' mindset - so much so that many have proclaimed Celtic Christianity up until the Norman invasions of the 11th-12th centuries to BE Orthodox. Much of the reasoning for this western remnant of Eastern Christianity - it is theorized - was because of the isolation from Roman (papal) authority which afforded it a fair amount of self-governance. Who brought Christianity to the British Isles? None other than my son's Patron: Noble Joseph of Arimethea in 63AD.

Here is a page on Celtic Spirituality.

And also a great page on Orthodox Christianity in the Birtish Isles.

Our Parish actually has a relic of St. Columba of Iona who wrote this interesting little poem:

My Druid is Christ, the son of God,
Christ, Son of Mary, the Great Abbot,
The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.


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