God Bless America

Since the "War on Terror" began (I assume we'd date that to 9/11), we've seen this phrase - and the song - much used. Some Christians are trying to capitalize on the patriotic/religious frenzy in order to convert people and also to give further credence to the claim that America was, is, and should be a "Christian - Godly" country...after all our money says we trust Him.

However, I think most of us realize that the expression has much more to do with patriotism than Christianity – or any religion (save for civil) for that matter. Case and point: While in So. Cal. I noticed (hmm… I wonder why?) the reader board of a dingy little strip club also beseeched God for His blessing on America. (Sigh) Do you suppose God “hears” reader board prayers? Maybe if it was a Grocery Store reader board? Or…better yet…a Church reader board that might also have a catchy little idiom like: “The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.” And what of Bumper Sticker prayers?

I think I should like to have a prayer bumper sticker too…like perhaps the Lenten Prayer of Saint Ephraim? Or maybe just the Jesus Prayer? Is this what St. Paul meant by praying ceaselessly?

I can recall during some fervent public Pentecostal prayer times I would search desperately for just the right words in order to really get things fired up – so much so that I really wasn’t hearing what others were praying at all. Ultimately, in my secret heart, I just wanted to look like the really hip spiritual guy who could whip out some kick ass, high octane, emotion-stirring prayers. Praying the prayers of saints has been medicine for my sick soul. But I digress; reader board and bumper sticker prayers are just like this – not really prayer at all, but rather intended to say something to people who see them.

Hey! Look! A patriotic strip club, let’s go there tonight – they support our troops! And they even mention God. Just about as rancid as the prayers I’ve “offered” – no doubt even here on Paradosis.


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