Marriage as a political sacrament?

Senate Majority leader Bill Frist said last weekend that he would support a Constitutional Ammendment to ban gay marriage, saying that he believed marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman. Ok. Great. What is Bill's religious affiliation? What does he understand a sacrament to be? More importantly, what does the United States Federal government understand a sacrament to be?

Am I the only person who finds it abit revealing that most american church wedding services has the officiating clergy person say "by the power vested in me by the state of _______ I now pronounce you man and wife?" I mean, really now, if it is "by the power of the state", why should I care if the pronunciation ends with "man and man"? What does the state have to do with sacraments?

Remember this post?
Or this one.

People ask me about this gay marriage thing and expect for me to go on a tirade about the moral depravity in our nation and such, but really I have little to say about it. I have too much moral depravity in my own heart to concern myself with silly bickering about the government, gays, and marriage. The Holy Mystery (aka sacrament) of Marriage is granted only by and in the Church. The State can do with it and call it what they like, but we sure as heck don't need to glean any authority from them.

Will legalizing "gay unions" (call it whatever you like) bring about the destruction of the American family? LOL! How could it decay more than it has already...and we heterosexuals have done just fine in killing it to begin with - just look around.


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