Confession II

Thanks to all who have shown me their love via email, phone calls, and comments here - telling me to get off my lazy sinful duff and go to confession. I will be going this evening prior to Vespers.
A stark contrast to the "love" of unconditional acceptance and affirmation, which really isn't love at all as it would have me continuing to lounge around becoming more and more obese with sin and self.

Confession can be a funny thing. Amidst my close circle of friends we often joke about bringing a tape recorder and then upon a later confession simply replaying the tape to our priest. God between us and such evil.

I cannot even remember, nor can I fathom being apart of a faith tradition that did not include this Holy Sacrament.

However, I do feel that I could walk in, kneel and simply say: "God forgive me for my selfishness." I can think of nothing more succint that better covers all my bases.


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