Embryonic Stem Cell Research
(or "Don't let the liberal media use these stories!!!!")

As many of you know, I am adamently opposed to the use of human embryos for stem cell research. Recently someone with whom I have frequently argued this issue tried to present the following articles to me to show how important it is that we encourage Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

Paralyzed Woman Walks After Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy said promising for treating incontinence

Now, from the political side of the debate one would think this would have made great fodder to be used against George Bush, just as my worthy opponent was hoping it could be used against my arguments. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happens to be the case because the stem cells used in BOTH cases here were not derived from the slaughtering of a human embryo, but rather from cord blood (in one case) and adult stem cells from the actual patients (in the other).

So while "stem cells" are political buzz words we must be clear about this somewhat complex issue. The research represented by these studies is in no way banned or unfunded in the United States. Furthermore they do not involve the killing of a human being to harvest the cells that helped these people.

In the end...whatever benefits can be found to be derived from Embryonic stem cells, we must not forget that we would in essence be killing one life to save another. So, really, the efficacy of the therapy isn't much of an argument. But the efficacy of NON-EMBRYONIC stem cells is a very strong argument for where we OUGHT to be funneling our research dollars.


Fr. John McCuen said…
You've nailed it exactly, dear brother-in-Christ James: There are stem cells, and then there are stem cells. Some come from a source that raise few (or no) ethical problems -- cord blood, and from adult cells -- while others are harvested as the fruits of death, even murder. Isn't it amazing that, first of all, God designed us in such a way that there is something so incredibly wonderful and versatile as stem cells? (Glory to God!) And isn't it amazing that the forms of stem cells that appear to be the most efficacious are NOT from the second source? Hmmm... Maybe this God person knows what He's doing, after all... [grin]
Thomas Ham said…
The sad thing about this James, is that many people that oppose stem cell research oppose any aspect it may encompass. I am with you on the use of the "stem cells", but as stated there are many other ways to do very similar and effective research without the embryonic cells. We need to stop letting the media tell us what is right and wrong.

I’m super frustrated with California and the passing of proposition 71, where the state government will now fund the research of embryonic stem cells! All because of the political clout of Arnold. Hopefully eyes will be opened to the lives that are being slaughtered for research. To me, it sounds somewhat like a borderline genocide of youth.

I have not thought of this much lately, so my thoughts may be unclear. But, I think that's a struggle I'm dealing with right now anyways. My mind is shooting out completely incoherent thoughts. Quite frustrating, but that's a topic for another day.
Anonymous said…
I was just watching the national news last night and heard two such stories. The first was about S. Korean research that used umbilical stem cells to restore some use of the legs of a woman paralyzed for 20 years! The second was about Americans going to China to get stem cells from aborted fetuses to help restore feeling in their paralyzed legs. The reporter only mentioned the disparate sources once (without any comment on their ethical dimensions). The entire piece was slanted toward supporting stem cell research without any kind of restriction (they made mention on several occasions of how this research is more "advanced" than what we have here). Personally, I couldn't help noticing that the woman with the umbilical stem cells was actually walking where the other guy could just feel some sensation. What's more, I kept looking at the guys legs, wondering where the sutures and bolts were. It's so Frankenstein! They are using parts of dead bodies on these people and nobody seemed the least bit queasy, much less horrified. How long till Frankenstein's "monster" has to be given a new "PC" name? --Tabitha--
Anonymous said…

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