Strange News

So imagine going to the Zoo and watching them feed the lions a live cow. Not exactly my idea of entertainment - in fact many times I have to turn off documentaries on TV because I feel so bad for the struggling wildebeest covered in occassionally less than efficient lions or worse yet even less efficient hyenas.

But this is the way of nature folks, and it strikes me as a little ironic that we want to turn these wild beasts into the little kittys we keep at home (which by the way are horrible monsters if you happen to be a smaller varment, because here you have an overfed hunter who cannot help but hunt and yet has precious little need to kill and devour quickly).

Besides, the lion will lay down with the lamb when PETA gets the legislation passed.

Anyway, the zookeeper expressed concern that witnessing such events might inspire violence in young people. Well that seems like a stretch to me, I think I'd be much more concerned about kids playing "Grand Theft Auto."


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