Christian Penguins

The Penguin movie is apparently the newest "Christian" film?

Little do they know it, but the penguins have been seized upon by conservative Christians as a parable of family virtues, a role model for men, an argument against abortion and convincing proof that Darwin was wrong.

Article HERE.

I've never quite understood how such an argument could arise or be maintained with any sort of seriousness. I mean do we really want to try and say that people should be like Penguins, in order either to say that traditional family values are good or that homosexuality is good?

Ahh yes, the animal kingdom, a model for the way that people should be: take for instance the mating habits of the Black Widow or the Praying Mantis...sure, why not eat your lovers head while you have sex with them?

For the secularists, like the quoted Sheerly Avni who would insult God and be just about as offensive as one could possibly imagine, I really have nothing much to say. However, I would offer that her comments are again an example of how freely the authoritarian rule of Political Correctness does not apply to things said or done to Christians. One wonders if she could have possibly gotten away with saying the same thing about Muhammed or the Dali Lama? You think we'd ever get an apology?

But to Christians who would try to argue from the example of nature: give it up. Have you forgotten the state of our world? Nature can only tell us how things ARE, not how they SHOULD be. This is often the problem with melding theology and the natural sciences, you cannot look at nature and say with certainty that God designed it this way, if for no other reason than the fact that there are some pretty horrific things in nature.

A similar problem occurs when Christians try and deny that someone could be born gay, because they are proceeding from the assumption that God is wholly responsible for who and what we are when we are born. But this cannot possibly be the case, for are we to tell the cojoined twins that God intended for this to happen? Or those with Down Syndrome (or worse)? Or those born with severe deformities? Or those with genetic ailments that will make their lives a living hell? True, God's love and light can shine through these examples, but that does not mean that God is causative of them.

No, this is simply the way things ARE, not the way things SHOULD be.


Mimi said…
I saw that same article. I hope people don't hurt themselves while they are stretching like that.
Anonymous said…
In the spirit of not saying anything unless I can say something nice... It would appear that the nuttieness of the evangelicals means that at least they take the role of "fool for Christ" seriously.

existentialist said…
Rade, what's your blog again?
James, at least come down there with the secularists and hash out like I am. I have earned my place among them. Don't scorn 'em. They like "gays" deserve respect not contempt.
What do you have to say for Orthodox secularists or Orthodox gays for that matter?
I'll be back.
fdj said…
Actually, I thought I was scorning christians here...but I suppose they deserve my respect too.

c'mon folks...its a movie about Penguins! Not an apologia for family values or promiscuity.
existentialist said…
James, I guess I am a little confused. The best thing to do would be to ask you: what is your position on secularists? And what is your position on Alternet?

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