The Agrarian-Amish Revolution

Amish Dairyman nailed in a sting operation.

It appears there were no links with Al-Qaeda or terrorism, despite the radical religious beliefs of the farmer.


Wonder if I'm allowed to drink my own unpastuerized milk?


Susan Sophia said…
He is not selling it on at the local farmers market! He is not advertising to sell it to the general public. But if a person wants to seek out unpasteurized milk (as it is NOT as dangerous as they lead you to believe) than by all means let the transaction take place! I grew up with an Uncle that had a dairy farm. It was the highlight of the weekly visits to fill the gallon containers with FRESH milk straight from the bulk tank. It was always fun to see(for us young 'uns) to go see how much change has been left on top of the bulk tank from neighbors who would come in and get FRESH milk each day.

This is hogwash!
Alana said…
Go Stutzman!
Anonymous said…
I posted about this on my blog too. The second story was the one that got all the discussion, but this one truly gets my goat too. And how nasty to repay this gentleman for his hospitality and generosity like this! I wish I could easily get raw milk. These laws are stupid.

Almost as stupid as the midwifery laws discussed at length on mine.
We can't find Osama. We can't stem the flow of illegals coming across our borders. We can't stop the flow of drugs, but by GAWD we can stop the sale of unpasteurized milk!!!

Is it any wonder my cynicism knows no bounds?
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
What does this mean for my Father who gives away his excess produce from his garden to his neighbors (even if they don't want it....)

Who knows, perhaps by the end of Summer my Pops will be a wanted man! Stay tuned!
Anonymous said…
You couldn't pay me enough to drink raw milk from a industrial factory dairy operation, but for the love of God if you can't trust the milk from the AMISH of all people then something is out of whack. This is what happens when we delegate all our responsiblilty to the government and insist on suing everyone in sight when anything goes wrong.
Furthermore, the response by the government shows the same appalling lack of scale one finds in any bureaucracy. This guy is being treated the same I'll bet as someone selling 5000 gallons of raw milk.

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