The Candy Coating is Political Correctness

Yes, folks newly formed out-of-the-closet pedophilic "Charity, Freedom and Diversity party said its central campaign platform will be lowering the age of consent in the Netherlands from 16 to 12."

No, I'm serious.

Note how the party's name sounds like the training and indocrination program that "da PC man" subjects many of us underlings to via our work or school. Furthermore the party gives us a rationale for their belief system: "Forbidding children from sex only makes them more curious" thus clearly missing the once politicaly correct notion surrounding abuse of authority, power, and influence - which might perhaps be inherent in a "relationship" between a perverted 45 yeard old man and a 12 year old boy.

We may laugh this off, but seriously, where are we headed folks? A search on this guys name leads to all manner of fecal matter in which it is clear pedophiles are actively seeking to obtain the cherished "persecuted, misunderstood, sexual orientation minority status."



Anonymous said…
Lord have mercy.
Lord protect our children.

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