
Showing posts from 2008

Religion good for self-control

THE talk

I wonder what would happen if a REAL disaster struck

Eis Polla Eti Dhespota!


You can't say No


True God from True God's what's for Dinner! (soon)

the very foreignness of the Byzantine Rite

Kick em when they're Down

Cue the JAWS Theme


Obesity Tax

Weekend Coverage


Fun with Weather

Things that go whump in the night

Yes, we here in Washington ARE insane

Patriarch Alexy


Overnight Evolution of St. Nicholas in Myra

A St. Nicholas Movie

Gray Wolves in WA!

Airborne Predator

Holiday Greetings from Fred Clause

Merry "religion is dumb" mass here in Washington

The Leanest and Best Christmas Ever

Road to Emmaus

Things Left Undone

Change We Can All REALLY Believe In

Goats, Goatherders, Monks, and Coffee

What's in a name?

To Feast, or not to Feast?

Pictures from AAC

Collection of Editorials by Metropolitan JONAH

On the look out for a lost ring?

Thoughts about Metropolitan JONAH's election

Metropolitan JONAH

We have a new MET!

Appreciation and Honor


National Novel Writing Month

Alaska and Rie Munoz