Speaking of the government fixing my problems

Speaking of the government fixing my problems

Further proof that some in politics believe that they can fix all of our societal ills. Friends, welcome to the "No child left inside" act in New Mexico.

Yes we all generally agree that our kids today spend too much time indoor playing video games and are not getting enough exercise....what to do? What to do...what to do? AHA! Raise taxes, of course! Utterly brilliant!

In truth, of course, this concept is poorly thought out on many levels (freedom of individual families to decide what is best for their kids being foremost among them), but beyond that it's not going to accomplish anything but get some cash into some sort of outdoor programs (ummmm...any idea which ones? Hello?). Because seriously, do you think that if little Johnny wants Halo 3 that mommy and daddy would pay $50.00, but not $55.50?

I love how they appeal to the authority of "medical studies" which plays right into what I wrote earlier. Might I suggest that as you read the news article you listen to this.


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