Sea Kittens?

Sea Kittens?

Look, I know its an easy target, but I can't help if PETA keeps coming out with this stuff. I often wonder if they will ever succeed in driving the world to become vegans out of moral conviction and then I wonder if I'd become an illegal meat smuggler? Anyway here's their newest venture, which appears aimed at kids.

Their "Sea Kittens Facts" sections rolls through a variety of laughable bits such as:

Contrary to popular belief, the technical term for sea kitten offspring is "baby sea kitties," not "caviar." Many sea kittens build nests where they can raise their baby sea kitties, and others collect small rocks off the sea floor to make widdle hiding pwaces where they can rest.

Huh....I always thought caviar was fish eggs (fertilized or not). I wonder if Peta would extend their concern for unborn fish to humans? Anyone see the movie "Madagascar"? You'll recall the animal characters got past the moral dilemma of eating each other by eating....FISH!

A University of Edinburgh study found that sea kittens can retain information that they learned up to 11 months earlier, which makes them cuter and smarter than the president of the United States! specifics on what that information might doubt how to solve quadratic equations. Make sure to visit the PETA site on January 21st and accuse them of racism.


B. Hold said…
I love it! Great point about PETA's lack of concern for human life.
Mimi said…
Ok, that photo made me laugh out loud.
Liz in Seattle said…
Mmmm...pass the soy sauce. And if I'm still hungry, there's always Dory. She'd never remember being eaten, anyway.
fdj said…
Yes, clearly Dory was not a participant in the University of Edinburgh study.
Mimi said…
Bwahahahahahhaa Liz. Giggle.

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