Watch at your own risk

Watch at your own risk

Orrologion has posted video showing images of what we in the pathology lab used to refer to as "products or conception" (aka...if I may be so blunt...tiny shredded dead babies). I know I have discussed my experience before with regard to being brought face to face with the death that results from obtaining an abortion...but boy did this bring it all back home to me again.

Once when describing my experience to a person of pro-choice persuasion I was summarily dismissed as a liar; the person apparently unwilling to believe abortion dealt with anything other than a mass of cells. Is the general public uneducated on the matter? Perhaps. I think that one sure fire way to make abortions rare (which as we all know is the empty political promise de jour) is to educate people and women in particular. It's easy to turn a blind eye to the horrors of war if you've never seen it first hand, but one can actually experience an abortion and not see its horrors.

Our new president has promised to sign FOCA...I pray he never gets a chance. For all I know he may be praying as much too - not wishing to face the overt promise he made while speaking to Planned Parenthood (not to mention readily Youtube-able). But social issues revolving around life under this new administration are not going to fare well. I expect at any moment to hear about the freeing up of public funding for embryonic stem cell research (assuming there is any public funding to be had) and any long time readers of this blog out there will know how I have followed so many promising results of ADULT (non-embryo destroying) stem cell research which was promoted so much by the bans of the past administration.

As you've heard me say before, I don't have a great deal of faith in political solutions to these sorts of problems, but I've laid out my libertarian case for making abortion illegal which is in essence based on the notion that as a human being the fetus is offered protection as are all other human beings.

Again, if knowing the video is as awful or worse than any war photograph/video is enough, don't watch. But if you waiver on the issue, please allow yourself an emotional and gut wrenching response by watching HERE.

My wife introduced me to a much less gruesome video that celebrates the historic inauguration.


Susan Sophia said…
I have absolutely no doubt that if women knew exactly what was being ripped out of their bodies they would change their minds. But I also know, they don't WANT to hear it or see it.

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