What IS the Bible?
What IS the Bible?
"Ancient" Syriac bible found in Cyprus. Naturally you cannot count on the media to get much of ANYTHING right with regard to religious things - save direct quotes kept in context(does that ever happen?). But the article begs the question: What precisely IS the Bible? Of course to the average reader it's that thing gathering dust on the bookshelf that used to be their grandma's. I note that in the "meat" of the story we are told it has "excerpts" from the Bible and this tends to make more sense. Of course if this text is "more than" 2,000 years old then it clearly has nothing whatsoever of the New Testament...duh. And anything older than 1600-1700 years is likely not going to look exactly like Grandma's "received text."
But from the article, it would seem many questions remain. Interesting though.
She also has an excellent interview with Pelikan which can be found digging through the archives.
All my love to the PNW community.