More knot tying

Remember this classic (if I do say so myself) Paradosis post from March 3, 2003?

If you are a serious angler and you REALLY want to practice your apathia, try taking a 7 year old fishing. Furthermore, try having that same 7 year old, who must have snagged the anchor rope 800 times, outfish you. Humility indeed! Though in my defense, I had to neglect all of my fishing time by providing for her ability to fish via knot untangling and snag releasing. Ahhhh...the essence of parenting captured in a single days adventure. Worth it?


But, when I am left to practice my art without children?

You bring the beer and I'll BBQ the slamon.


Anonymous said…
So what time should we be over?

Anonymous said… door is always open Toy...ALWAYS!

By the way...I just noticed: here is the smile :) so lacking in all those fish pictures...I must be trying to look like some BA fisherman or something.

It's the whole: ugh ugh providing meat for family thing going on.
Alana said…
Oh, man, this is when I wish I did not live seven very large states away ...I'd be mooching some salmon! The only kind we get here has been dead for awhile.

...Pan fried salmon with herbs and pepper, baby green beans in green onion and olive oil sautee with a cucumber salad in ranch, glass of wine and garlic bread....waaaaaaaah! (That's for the grownups. The kids can eat fishstix in the back yard....)
Alana said…
Oh, and I forgot to mention: except for the facial hair, your child looks remarkably like you!
fdj said…
Thanks ALL! most common recipe is quite simple:

Set the fillet in a tray made by hand with aluminum foil. Lay upon the fillet copious amounts of fresh garlic, onions, peppers, and BUTTER (the real stuff - accept no substitutes, ahem except during fasts). Make sure the juices will be collected in the tray you constructed out of the foil. Then construct a cover to seal the juices in.

Rain or shine, take that sucker outside and BBQ it - preferably on a real charcoal heat source. Cook until flakey.

Another variation apparently popular among local native americans is to lay strips of bacon across the salmon - I can attest to this being quite good.

My wife has an excellent salmon chowder recipe which she makes from scraps I collect with a fine knife after I take the main fillets off the fish - VERY TASTY.

And of course I also like to smoke some of the fish.

A fine IPA would suit me better than wine, thank you.

Alana said…
Always red wine, no matter what. Or guiness, of course....

White wine is for wimps and does not have enough alcohol in it to make me happy.

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