Everything coming to a head

Life has been busy. God willing I'll be tonsured a reader coming up this Wednesday on the feastday of St. Elizabeth and of course we have been preparing for the Bishop's visit. I'll be particularly occupied during this time. Plus I've been furiously trying to get the cabin ready to be inhabitable (doors and windows and roof and sheathing put up) before I leave for Uganda next week. And that of course spells frantic additional preparations being made both at home and at work. Wrapped up with everday home and farm duties and tasks means you have what SHOULD be a very busy James this week.

Your prayers are coveted for all these things. My wife will also need your prayers and support for the coming three weeks of single parenting.


Mimi said…
Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.
What an exhausting and momentous time you are going through !
God bless you all !
Munkee said…
Make sure it sleeps or co-sleeps 5!
Hilarius said…
Ps. 90:16-17 (LXX 89:16-17)

Our prayers go with you.

Eric John

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