The Illumined Heart

A review from the New York Post says: "The ancient Christian wisdom contained in this beautifully plain-spoken book is breathtakingly countercultural, and worth more to the honest seeker than shelves of what passes for practical spirituality these days."

I was thinking about why the reviewer wrote this, when Frederica Mathewes-Green, the author, answered the question for me.The answer she somewhat unintentionally offers is that basically she isn't really the author - at least not in the creative sense. This book is not the latest christian bookstore fad, nor is it "the Frederica way" to Christian victory. Frederica writes: "I hope not to say anything original. If I do, ignore it."

What this little "pocket" book is, is a compilation of nearly 2000 years of wisdom in regards to how we "live a Transfigured Life in Christ."

In chapter three, she asks the question that I get asked alot: why should we in the 21st century care how the ancient church lived, prayed, and understood the Scriptures? After all, times change...if we don't adapt, we die. But the ancient way is NOT dead, and this is the point. Frederica's answer is introduced with:

"It's because times change that we should especially take notice of that which stands the test of time."

Am I trying to sell a book here? Sure, you bet, I think this one would greatly benefit any Christian - Orthodox or not.


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