Local Politics

Yeah well, who can avoid talking about politics after the "big" debate last night? But rather than tread that specific water, I want to mention a little commercial (which is kinda what the debate was, wasn't it?) by our senator Patty Murray that I saw last night.

In it, we are told that her opponent stands against "life-saving stem cell research." Now, please note, that it did NOT say "potential" or "possible" or even "likely" life-saving stem cell reasearch. I should like to have the senator (since she approved the ad) present ONE SINGLE PERSON WHOSE LIFE HAS BEEN SAVED BY STEM CELL RESEARCH. JUST ONE! It really irked me to hear that, because it is so misleading!

If we, as Christians, really believe that life begins at conception, should it even matter if the ad isn't technically misleading as I believe it is? Care to take a guess at how many people have DIED for stem cell research?

And then the commercial goes on to deride the pro-life stance of Murray's opponent.

Wow, she just happened to mention the two issue with which I side the most with her opponent...hmmm...I reckon they got the wrong demographic with me. That commercial had rather the opposite effect than it intent.


Anonymous said…
hows schmamann's book coming along?
Thanks, James. Yes ... we Christians will need to educate ourselves on this issue -- oh, like say, yesterday? -- to be able to keep up soon. President Bush only said "no" to Federal funds being used in this regard. And, limiting use to "existing lines" is still a destruction of life.

Fr John Breck spoke to our Antiochian Clergy Symposium about this issue in July. What we hear from the media, pundits, and pushers is just the tip of the iceberg.
Fr. John McCuen said…
In a related development...

... I have (finally) tried to answer the question you asked of me about a month (or more) ago; namely, foe whom I intend to vote this November. It ain't the all-encompassing big bowl of wisdom I'd have liked it to be; but it is my reply...

Those interested can find it at Observations: Next President.
fdj said…
Wow...saw another democratic commercial for an even MORE local election in which stem cell research is again an issue that labels the republican competitor as an "extremist."

At least in this one they had the good sense to say "potential" life saving.

Anyway..."Hi there, my name is James Ferrenberg, I am an extremist."
fdj said…
Anonymous doesn't like my politics...


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