Brother James, those are beautiful photos, but seem to pale in comparison to the joy one finds in stumbling upon an old friends prose. I hope life finds you well within the rapturous embrace of Christ. And I am excited to see you have a family almost large enough to man your local basketball team. Well, blessings upon you and yours and enjoy the Advent.
My ten year old daughter, this afternoon, while she's using the computer:
"Eeeew, Mom. If you look at it just right, there are these lip prints right in the middle of the monitor! Like, somebody kissed the computer or something!"
"...Well, yeah....that was me...." (sheepishly)
"Well, this one guy's blog posted pictures of some relics being returned to their rightful place...I mean: John Chrysostom and Gregory Nazianzen or somebody like that!...I guess I was sort of venerating through the screen," sez I, feeling VERY foolish by now....
I wanted to watch the television broadcast of this, but missed it.
Thanks for posting these.
"Relics of saints."
"Sing about the relics"
Thanks. Now I have to right a song. Pray for me. :)
"Eeeew, Mom. If you look at it just right, there are these lip prints right in the middle of the monitor! Like, somebody kissed the computer or something!"
"...Well, yeah....that was me...." (sheepishly)
"Well, this one guy's blog posted pictures of some relics being returned to their rightful place...I mean: John Chrysostom and Gregory Nazianzen or somebody like that!...I guess I was sort of venerating through the screen," sez I, feeling VERY foolish by now....
"Oh, yeah! Venerating. That's cool."
Good to hear from you. Hope you and the MRS are doing well. Sure miss seeing and hanging with you all.
Ran over to your woefully out of date blog (get busy son!). If you are/were reading Said, you and I would have alot to talk (argue) about.
psss....I'm an "orientalist" Bernard Lewis fan.
I'll buy the buy the plane ticket :)
It is my heartfelt prayer that this momentous event will help to reconcile our Churches so that we may again be one.
Sts. John Chrysostom & Gregory Nazianzen, pray for us!
And credit is given to the Pope for this gesture.