A Handfull of "current event" thoughts

Prayers offered for the seven crew members of the stranded Russian sub....Saint Nicholas, help of mariners, pray unto God for them!

Prayers also for the safe return of Discovery and her crew.

As we approach the anniversary, I offer this insightful article for any history buffs and for any who have opinions about "Why Truman dropped the bomb." (I have swayed both directions: justified, unjustified...but the newly made available information documented by this historian has pretty much put an end to my criticisms of the decision.)

If I see another giant catfish picture I am going to be physically ill. Those aren't REAL fish! THESE are REAL fish.

While I didn't realize that Orthodox Jews have to walk to Synagogue on Sabbath, certainly many of us Orthodox are familiar with House-hunting, Religiously.

Last, but certainly not least: A blessed feastday to all! May we all have our eyes opened.


Alana said…
Why Truman dropped the bomb: good read. Thanks for linking it.
Anonymous said…
When my uncle was catching up on some sleep in 1945 on his birthday, Aug. 6, someone wakened him to say they dropped a big bomb on Japan. He was irritated by this needless intrusion and went back to sleep. He was on a stop on his way toward the west coast with a bomber crew to start his first mission as a pilot which was to start from New Guinea. By the time they reached California the second bomb was dropped, and the mission was cancelled. I and his family have been very grateful for the end of WW II happenning right then. As a further result, my father and three other uncles didn't help invade Japan. Hundreds of thousands of GI's and tens of thousands of POW's were spared. Not to mention the countless Japanese who would have perished. Thank God the right people had that dreadful weapon. --Bob Koch

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