Farm Update

Farm Update

Politics aside for more important matters.

In honor of MLK on Monday we liberated our new flock of chickens from Butter's stall to their newly added on section of the chicken coop. Susan is mostly responsible for the construction of this structure which is made up almost entirely of stuff we got for free or already had lying around the farm. She did a fantastic job and I helped only with designing and building the door (a far superior design to the barn and old coop and doors I've done in the past - perhaps I'm learning?) and final touches including the poultry netting and such.

See pics HERE. Make sure to note how cool I look in one of them. Real farmers aren't afraid to look like dorks. Man...I need to start wearing the cowboy hat and boots and strap on my SA Ruger if I'm to live up to the image I have of myself. Ummm...maybe lose the pot of chickens too.

Ah heck...I am what I am. Take it or leave it.


Anonymous said…

No hat can rival the one you're wearing. I almost fell over when I saw it (I used to have one just like it).

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