First Cause

A cloned horse has arrived on the what?

A blurb from the article shows some amazing arrogance (emphasis mine):

Scientists in Italy say they have created the world's first cloned horse, raising the possibility of a sequel to the next Seabiscuit or a carbon copy of Kentucky Derby champion Funny Cide.

The small, sturdy work horse is now two months old, weighs about 220 pounds and is in excellent health, said its creators. Their announcement beats a Texas A&M team awaiting the birth of its own horse clone.

The cloned Haflinger horse is named Prometea after Prometheus, the character in Greek mythology who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans.

So, they've stolen fire from the gods, eh? Were the lack of humility before God not so frightening I may be laughing more, but I am reminded of a joke which may be adapted to fit the present situation:

An Italian Scientist meets God and says, "We no longer need you God, see, I have created a horse?"
God smiles and replies, "Have you really?"
Full of self confidence the scientist says, " watch this, I just need to get some skin cells from a horse back in the lab."
God stops him, "Whoah...wait a minute buddy, go and get your own horse."


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