It's just a game...

Well, I stumbled - almost literally - upon this this evening.

Ummm...why can't some Christians just play a game without it having to be "Christian"? I mean really...can't my kids play a friggin' game of UNO without it having to have scripture verses on the cards? And then why do we feel the need to invent some absurd fiction in order to make a cool customizable card game just like the "bad guys" have? (Angels, Apostles, Demons, Sinners all battling it out...between me and my best friend in the comfort of my living room!)

I can see it now: "Hahaha I trump your puny little apostle card with my trusty flogging card! And I top it off with a dose of my demonic inspired lust card!"
(go check the site, yes - they have flogging cards.)

Do you suppose it might be possible for this nonsense to backfire and lead our kids into perceiving our religion in the context of a game? If our religion is so reliant upon invisible things happening in the head that we cannot SHOW our children the faith in our everyday lives and feel the need to utilize something like a game...might there be a problem?

Why play a game of spiritual warfare when the REAL battle is raging at this very moment! I guess not quite as exciting without real swords and shields.


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