"Greek Porn"

Yes, well this is apparently THE number one search that landed ALOT of folks at Paradosis over the weekend. Let me just offer a big friendly Hello and Welcome to all of you out there searching for "greek porn." I'm sorry to disappoint you with an obvious lack of Greek Pornography (for that matter any pornography!), but perhaps you might stick around and learn abit about something else that is resident to Greece.

If you are Greek and already know what I am talking about, then let me offer this: Get your crap together buddy! Repent! Go home to the Church and get off of the Internet! You are seeking to have sex with demons and your eternal soul is breathing death!

Can someone help me program my website to fire up a butt-load of popups that will display like 57,000 seperate windows each displaying an icon (but only when someone hits my page while surfing for porn)? Hehhehe

Jeez, these guys! Surfing for "greek porn"...man O man, they are as bad as me.


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