
As I write, the family is heading down to Maplebrook Farm to see our future goats who were born over the weekend. Naturally we are all very excited and I cannot wait to see pics when I get home tonight from work. At the same time, the girls (and as "tag-alongs" the boys) will begin their participation in the Farming classes where they will learn HANDS ON how to take care of dairy goats.

"Firefly" is the Nubian who Sue is most leaning to at the moment. This is her 5th freshening and so is an experienced milker - I suppose we hope she'll do a little teaching of US! One can almost imagine her turning to us as we milk her and have her say: "You're not doing it right!" But we're told she can be ornery so we shall see. The other Nubian named Pretzel is also for sale and this is her 1st birth giving and so has an unproven milk production record. Two doe kids to choose from as well...so I expect the dinner conversation tonight will be very very goat ridden.

I expect Sue will upload some pics to her blog tonight.


Liz in Seattle said…
You know, I was JUST talking w/Patrick (age 5) telling him about your future goats. He was adamant that there be NO billy goats. "They hurt people, and ram down fences!"

So there's one young man's opinion, probably colored by fairy tales and Loony Tunes...
fdj said…
Actually I think he is well informed...though goats' temperaments range in the same way that dogs' do (bad rearing vs. good rearing etc)...an angry buck can break a 2x6 in half.

Plus, they stink up the milk. Rest assured Patrick...no billy goats.

fdj said…
Yeah, it's true. I'm told - by those who know better than me - that if you've had goat's milk that tastes "goaty" it's because a male was too close to the females. Buck's have extensive and powerful scent glands.

I've had goat's milk that I could hardly distinguish from cow's milk.
The Traveler said…
So will you be carry the goats home on the "left hand" and the sheep on the right? : )

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