Another example

Another example...

of why we do not need to kill babies to do good research with great results: HERE.


Daley stressed that the reprogrammed cells won't eliminate the need or value of studying embryonic stem cells.

Yes, well they always say such things don't they? These media articles always have to include somesort of biased disclaimer that essentially says: "don't think this means that we are having great success without the use of fetuses, because we aren't...all the apparent good news in this story isn't really good news at all. Please support planned parenthood as they harvest babies for us and be sure to vote pro-choice to prevent people from dying horrible deaths." But of course a year or two ago Daley probably would not have believed we could do things such as this with skin cells, so, let me put it this way: don't let this scientist's political, social, and moral opinions have any more weight than...ummm....let's say: Larry the Cable Guy. We decide what sort of research happens with our money. Thank you George W. Bush...arguably this research would not have happened if you had not banned the use of newly "harvested" (Lord have mercy) human babies. where I live, sometimes its nice to say something good about the president, especially if it's true. Just don't tell anyone I said it because I'll be ostracized more than I am already.

Anyway, one of my favorite quotes is from the physicist Richard Feynman who said in a moment of simple down home style wisdom: "I believe that a scientist looking at non-scientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy." And the fact of the matter is that when we examine issues related to human life we are ALWAYS dealing with issues that are not ONLY scientific. In fact, I would hope and pray we all realize that the non-scientific issues trump the scientific ones when it comes to human life...but alas...this plays into my previous post because I find these days that more and more people want a scientific explanation for every argument put forth.

What will become of us - as a people - when it is absolutely necessary to do so? Think Stalin, think Hitler...I should think.


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