St. Peter of Damaskos
"The truly humble man never ceases to reproach himself, even when the whole
world attacks and insults him. He acts in this way, not simply in order to
attain salvation as if it were passively by enduring with patience whatever
befalls him, but in order to press forward actively and deliberately to
embrace the sufferings of Christ. From these sufferings he learns the
greatest of all the virtues, humility: the dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit,
the gateway to the kingdom of heaven, that is to say to dispassion. He who
passes through this gateway comes to God; but without humility his road is
full of pain and his effort useless."

Ever notice when our pride is injured we are moved directly to painful anger, but when we seek humility in such circumstances we achieve inner stillness?

St. Peter of Damaskos, please pray unto God for us!


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