Petition to Return Hagia Sophia

Fr. Joseph introduced me to THIS website which hopes to get you to "support our petition to the EU Parliament that Turkey should not be admitted as a member of the European Community until it restores Hagia Sophia to its original purpose as a church and not a museum."

I would be truly amazed if it were to happen, but hey, what the heck! If every other persecuted minorty can seek reparations that border on the absurd, why not Christians?
I signed it with the message: "After all it is the politically correct thing to do!"

So, down with the minarets I guess? But you know, if Patriarch Bartholomew takes over don't you think the Hagia Sophia might be a bit large for services there with his hundred or so parishoners? (okay, so I really don't know how many would regularly attend, but for certain the Patriarch has far more of his flock well outside of Constantinople Istanbul than inside. Plenty of room for the kids to explore I bet!

An by the way, how far back ought we to go in regards to the need for reparations? You understand of course that if you go back far enough (and it probably isn't all that far), every ethnic group ought to be apologizing and making reparations to every other ethnic group. Send the Celts back down into Galacia and displace the Slavs and move them back....etc etc etc....eventually we all end up hanging out in Africa and frankly I'm not fond of heat.

But, let's throw caution to the wind and join the fray and demand restoration of what is rightly ours to begin with. Sign the petition. C'mon....everyone's doing it!


Anonymous said…
That'll happen the day after the Israeli's get the Dome off their rock...If you got every Greek in 'Stamboul to attend the place, there would still be enough room for an indoor soccer game; there's about a thousand left. Upkeep? How many checks do you think will come from wealthy Greeks over here for over there? Maybe initially, but it's about 500 years late. Besides, where they gonna put the pews and the organ? -- Bob K.
fdj said…
"Besides, where they gonna put the pews and the organ?"

LOL...well said.

None-the-less...(entering back into character) we have our rights to demand against the imperialist Turks.

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