Good friends

Good Friends

We in Tanzania, if we are to speak for ourselves and for Africa, we know for sure that you, Mr. President, and your administration, have been good friends of our country

It's nice to hear, isn't it? I'm rather tired of all the doom and gloom spouted off about America's reputation being wrecked personally by Bush and how desperately it needs repairing. But that's a side issue....abstinence and faithfulness.

Bush: Keep Abstinence in PEPFAR

The "enlightened ones" of America...those who know abstinence education doesn't work...believe in reality that abstinence in AIDS prevention is analogous to creationism in a science class. I do love it when liberal intellectuals running to "save Africa" run smack into hardcore conservative values here. What a shock it must be for world-culture-embracing-rainbow coalition types to find that in some parts of the world, Jerry Falwell was a liberal. In such encounters one can see that looking down ones nose at others is practiced by even the most "enlightened." Anyway, for some ex-pat bloggers I've "met" here, Uganda has become a sort of mission field for the indoctrination of liberal much for preserving native cultures, eh?

In a way, much of African cultural values are to the PC values of America what African Bishops are to Lambeth. They are of course related. I was recently asked: "What is wrong with the Anglicans in America?" Ummm...where do I begin.

Anyway, as noted in the article...the prevention plan is balanced: abstinence, fidelity in marriage, and condoms. I propose a plan to end the stalling by those who don't practice or believe in abstinence: Let the Africans decide. Guess who wins?

The Africans...twice!


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