Youth of the Apocalypse

I finished the book, which actually arrived back on the 3rd, and I was a bit disappointed. It's first section is reminiscent of some of the pessimistic protestant propaganda writings I have read in the past. The authors here paint a very bleak and sometimes unbelievable picture of youth culture. Don't get me wrong, I think our society and culture is utterly sick unto death, but I think this sickness is revealed more subtly and very often not at all to those caught in the great illusion of this passing life. I suspect that the authors had a very specific audience in mind, which like themselves are/were hardcore street kids who have experienced the sickness of our society in sometimes horrific ways. And more than that, it is written for such people who are awakening to the reality of the sickness and are asking questions.

But this book doesn't leave us with a quick fix: Jesus is the Answer - accept Him as your Lord and Savior and all we be well. Rather the young Monks spell out what they consider to be The Last True Rebellion, which is basically the living of an ascetic life within the Orthodox Tradition (paradosis). They don't candy-coat their Christianity and instead make it quite clear that the Christian life is STRUGGLE. This is the last half of the book and it is where I believe the overall work is redeemed. They share with us the stories of the lives of a number of saints and martyrs and then dig in deeper to discuss some of the principles of the Orthodox ascetic life where we definitely see the teachings of the Fathers come alive.

How are we Saved?
Written like notes from a lecture, this book(let) - under 100 pages - is a treasure. As time permits I will share here some of the insights that Bishop KALLISTOS offers. Overall it is a concise and easy to read answer to the question proposed in the title and does so from a distinctly Orthodox perspective. To those of us westerners who are unfamiliar with the Orthodox understanding of sin, salvation, and redemption, this book will be like a breath of fresh, clean air.

Still Waiting for The Ilumined Heart to arrive..


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