Orthodox Christmas

For most Orthodox Christians in the world, Christmas is January 7th. After a big feast day like this, one is able to find hundreds of very cool pics from around the world on the news servers, such as:


Serbia (in a fire gutted church)





And Greece...where they are clearly on the new calender :)


Mimi said…
Beautiful photos, thank you for sharing James.
Thomas Ham said…
the church in Macedonia has an amazing iconostasis!
Anonymous said…
I think " Greece " is actually Constantinople. Looks like church of St Stephen of the bulgars in background.
fdj said…
And "Constantinople" is actually Istanbul...but we all know the truth don't we David?


I've learned a new word: irredentist.

Anonymous said…
It looks to me like that last photo is a celebration of Epiphany somewhere and not Nativity. Note the cross sailing through the air toward the water. You posted this on Jan 12, so it must be a new-calendarist group in the old country (looks like Moscow to me, but then all them Russky rivers look alike!)

Cheers! Basil

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