
So while cruising through the news at Yahoo, amongst the daily foray of baghdad bombings, vice presedential shooting conspiracies, and Ports operated by the UAE, I see this interesting headline: "Gladiators fought with strict code of conduct"

Make sure to look at the picture:

and the caption from Yahoo: "File photo of two men dressed as Roman gladiators..."

Okay, now I know that I have been playing THIS AWESOME game a lot, but am I the only guy that knows that these men are decidedly NOT dressed as gladiators, but as Roman soldiers? The one on the left is either a Praetorian Cohort or an Urban Cohort, and the guy on the right is probably a legionary cohort...but regardless, you might as well have pasted an image of a US Marine in dress clothes and labelled him a professional wrestler! Geez, people, c'mon!



Anonymous said…
An awesome game indeed. Part of the reason I switched to Linux was to keep me from wasting hours playing such games. It has, for the most part succeeded, though I have attempted a number of times to get them to work on Linux anyway. I suppose it is a good thing that I haven't played them in some time (at least since last year), or it might be something I'd have to quit for the sake of Lent.

I enjoy RTW in particular because of the amount of actual strategy involved in the battle. Unlike games which had long held my allegience, such as AoE, which become a mindless click-fest. Besides that, you get troops of chanting priests in the expansion! That being said, I'm still not entirely certain how I feel about a computerized fantasy where I risk having troops of chanting priests slain...
fdj said…
Well, not to tempt you further, Joshua, but if you'd like to run your chanting priests against my chanting priests...I'm game!


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