Do. Then think... Clifton tells us in his post from Wednesday April 23rd (for some reason blogspot's archive linking seems faulty today). He writes:

There's no lecture, complete with diagrams. This isn't ten easy steps to becoming . . . well, whatever. "I do. You do." This is how children are taught the faith. It is how converts down from the first century learned the faith. Do. Then think.

We Protestants have it the other way around. Following Kant's ethic of autonomous integrity, we want to first make sure we're "okay with it." If it fits our presuppositions, or can be made to, then we're fine. The Church says, "Do. Then think."

As I pondered this, I was reminded of the Last Supper in which Jesus also tells us to "Do. Then think."

Take...EAT; This is my Body...


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