So my daughter merrily tells me that they have been learning about Martin Luther King yesterday. I told her I thought that was very cool...but then the devious side of me took over, for you see this is the same daughter who learned about how "Kwanzaa" was a "holiday celebrated by African Americans." I resisted the temptation for as long as my anti-PC heart could stand it and then finally I burst, suggesting to my daughter: "You might ask your teacher if Martin Luther King celebrated Kwanzaa...since he's African American and all."


Anonymous said…
Bad James! Bad boy!

(tempted to do the same)
Anonymous said…
Things like that are why you're my favorite extremist.
Anonymous said…
ahhhhhhhhh the loophole!

here is my MLK story... i was raised in the Lutheran Church. later, when we were adults, my folks wanted my sister, my wife, and i to join them for family pictures to be taken at their church.

we walk in, and in the office is a picture of Martin Luther, the Reformer. my sister looks at the picture and asks, "who is that?" i respond, "that is Martin Luther." she then says, "i thot he was black."
Mimi said…
Bwahaahahahaha. Papa Herman, you made me choke on my coffee. Tee hee.
Anonymous said…
Kwanza makes me wonder...If I started wearing lederhosen and speaking in a phoney German accent each Oktober, would people think I was a little odd? I am just about as German as virtually every African American is African. What nonsense. -- Bob Koch
Anonymous said…
If your grandfather was sold as a slave you might think otherwise.

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