I Repent

There really are no words that could be offered to a father whose 6 year old daughter suddenly dies. But somehow this father is speaking to us.

Here, he literally slays me:

Driving home from the cemetery this afternoon, Kim and I passed by a father holding hands with the cutest little toddler. The child was over dressed in a snow suit and was walking, occasionally stopping to tip his whole body back in the way that children do to look up at a parent. The father stopped each time the young one stopped to look back at his child.

How often have you been with your child and not been with them. You’ve taken the time to be at a kid’s soccer game but been on your cell phone. You’ve left work to pick your kid up from school but your mind isn’t there on your son or daughter and the day they’ve just had at school - your mind is already back at your desk on the next thing you have to do.

How can I offer him gratitude for his bravery? His strength in the midst of unthinkable pain?

If you are home now, go and grab your kids and love them. More than that, NEVER have unfinished business with them and always be present with them. Tearfully, I admit, if I were to lose one of mine I would have many regrets. How sad...pathetic even...is that?

I repent.

Memory Eternal Elena.


Mimi said…
James, you have me crying over here. Indeed, I agree.

And, Memory Eternal Elena.
Anonymous said…
That was heartbreaking. I don't know if I could ever deal with that.

Do you know what happened to the little girl? I don't think it said in the posts.

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