News from Indonesia


This recounts in greater detail the incident that closed Fr. Daniel's church and also lets us know what has been happening since. It is an frightening story and includes an appeal for help for our Indonesian brethren who are under a yoke we cannot - at this time - comprehend.


Christina said…
Thank you for posting this. You are right, we cannot even comprehend what is going on in Indonesia (actually, we cannot even comprehend what is going on, REALLY, outside of our own borders). Thanks again...
Anonymous said…
My wife and I visited her home parish this weekend: St. Ignatius in Franklin, TN. There prayers were said for Fr. Gordon Walker and a parishioner by the name of Seraphim, as they were preparing to depart for Indonesia.

Please keep both Fr. Gordon and Seraphim in your prayers as they journey. These past few years have been hard on Fr. Gordon, but he does not know how to quit.
Anonymous said…
A year ago an interview with Fr. Daniel was done, you can read the interview here:

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