God's Playground

My kids enthusiastically led me out to show me their newly designated fort/clubhouse out in the woods. They had found a large cedar with numerous low hanging branches to act as chairs and I had to admit it did seem to be an altogether good place for a grand children's council. They showed me how they can climb the tree, stand upon a large old growth stump to make speeches, and the place where all their banners will be placed when meetings are "in session."

It all reminded me of my childhood back in Ohio and Kentucky where the woods also played a prominent role. It was something we largely lost in moving to California, and seeing my kids in this very natural playground resurrected a lot of memories I had completely forgotten. So many adventures, so much to discover, the forest was like a great muse inspiring all manner of childhood imaginations. As if knowing the glories gifted to children through the climbing of trees and making speeches upon old stumps, God blanketed the forest with a soft covering that man made playgrounds simply cannot compete with.

Of course, with just enough natural danger to learn numerous cautious lessons.


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