Poop in a Bucket

So I've ranted from time to time about some of the insanity of tenured college professors before, but this is the first time I've encountered it on a second-hand basis.

In the lab we frequently have students rotating through our lab and our most recent shared with me a story about her biology professor. Setting aside the Kreb cycle et. al. for the time being, this Prof apparently likes to "inform" his students about leaving a smaller ecological footprint.

Today's lesson? For the love of Mother Gaia, stop using toilets!

Now I know all about compost toilets, but what exactly is this prof suggesting for his city dwelling students (some in dorms, some in apartments, some in frat houses)? How about a five gallon bucket full of sawdust.

So, tomorrow I guess we can expect to see the campus ridden with students carrying their backpacks and buckets full of their own feces. There is something altogether appropriate in this image...especially when one envisions the professors along with them. Seems the students have to deal with a great deal of their buckets being dumped in the classroom.


Susan Sophia said…
Well, I guess that's one way to eliminate overuse of our 2-bedroom septic system we need to keep in good working order as long as possible.
Susan Sophia said…
Would it keep the bears away as well, if we emptied them on the edge of the property every 3 feet or so. :)
Anonymous said…
I wonder if the prof knows about how well sewage treatment has worked around here. In 1979 Dr. Edmondson, the UW limnologist, told our class in his ecology course that thanks to the efforts of Metro, Lake Washington was *cleaner* than it had ever been. Since the settlers arrived.
---Bob K.
Anonymous said…
It's people like him that pushed a law for us to dump our septic tank every 3 years. It's a bunch of B.S. to me.
I'm way over due for this service, I know I should get it done some time this year MAYBE. I'm only 2 1/2 years over due LOL.
Thanks for the great Blog James.

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