I, Robot, do take thee as my lawfully wedded...

Really, can we be more blatant in our depreciation of human personhood?

We may laugh and call it absurdly funny, but how many generations being brainwashed into biological determinism do you suppose it will take before we really do see little difference between "genetic robots" and extremely complex electric ones?

And oh to be able to reprogram or turn on and off our spouse! To be able to have them behaviorally hinged upon our every whim and perceived need/desire. In every possible way it is the absolute pinnacle of self-satisfaction. (Another word comes to mind, but I will refrain...but truly it is completely applicable and not just sexually speaking either).

The thesis examines human attitudes toward affection, love and sexuality and concluded that the findings are just as applicable to human interaction with robots of the future as they are to the relationships between humans of today.

Might I suggest that the author of this thesis is a complete imbecile (sorry, cannot resist) with no notion of what are true affection, love, and sexuality.


jmw said…
I hope we never get there.
Anonymous said…
When I first read this news article I thot it quite a stretch to compare inter-race marriage to marriage to a robot.

All in all this article is a sad commentary on our society.

I agree with j.m.w.-- may we NEVER arrive to that day.
Patrick said…
It's all about presuppositions. You know: What is man, therefore what is his origin, what is his purpose, what is his task, and what is his destiny? Given the wrong answers to any or all of these questions, such techno-fantasy is inevitable. This is what makes most sci-fi such a reliable social index.

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