Variety is the Spice of Life?

Variety is the Spice of Life?

Yesterday I was blessed to receive a visit from Sara, a Ugandan student at the U of Oregon who spent last summer working on a project here in out lab. We had a very nice chat about my last trip to her home (she's not been there for I think two years now - perhaps longer and so she is terribly homesick). Some of you may have met her as she came to a BBQ at our house once.

Anyway, at one point I asked her: "What was the biggest culture shock you got in coming here."

She thought for a few seconds and then said: "The choices. For instance, I cannot believe how many different breakfast cereals you have!"

I laughed out loud, "Yes...and how about toilet paper, too!"

Her eyes lit up, "YES! That is most astounding!"

And, Steve K, you will be happy to hear that she said, "I find all these choices MOST distracting and annoying!"



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