Why my marriage will last

Why my marriage will last

Secret to successful marriage: Ugly husband; pretty wife.

And isn't it reassuring to know that the Journal of Family Psychology seeks to explain our marital habits by looking at our evolution...in a most uplifting fashion. For you see, being ugly means I have less "short-term mating opportunities" and thus will tend to stick it out with my pretty wife. I'm lucky to have her (anybody for that matter) and she settles on me knowing that I've no real options to be unfaithful. But ummm...if this is all true, who are all the evolutionary misfits giving handsome men more "short-term" mating opportunities, which according to this little evolutionary theory makes no evolutionary sense for the woman to do?

Anyway, so this is the foundation that our current crop of psychologists are using to counsel our family problems? God help us.

Yes, we are the sum total of our genes and their insatiable need to reproduce. Thanks to a bit of lucky random mutations, me and the misses will have a successful marriage. Hey...ugly single guys! I suggest you get a copy fo the study out to all the pretty girls you know. As for your handsome fellow...well, sorry to say you will have to suffer with "more short-term mating opportunities."

Ahhh...this episode of human psychology brought to you by "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom."

What does the future hold for us in such a world as this?


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